An age old healing therapy, Reflexology is regaining
Reflexology has been around for thousands of years. This natural healing therapy has been discovered through hieroglyphics dating back to 2500 BC. Through the centuries it progressed from what was first called zone theory to later years reflexology when pressure points and reflexes were discover within those zones. Those pressure points and reflexes corresponded to the organs, glands and parts within our body. Reflexology’s popularity faded as modern medicine and technology have advanced.
Natural alternative therapies, especially Reflexology, are gaining renewed awareness as safe and effective. They are largely preventative in nature, however, are used to combat many illnesses and diseases.
Foot Reflexology is based on the principals that the body is mirrored on the bottom of the feet. The feet have over 7200 nerve endings. They act as sensory receptors which influence all the systems of the body.
Reflexology is suitable for all ages, especially seniors, and may bring relief from a wide range of chronic and acute conditions. Reflexology has four main benefits: relaxation, increased circulation, reduction of stress and homeostasis (the ability of the body to heal itself).
These four main benefits can provide relief for such conditions as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, pain management, insomnia, digestive issues, constipation, menopause, muscle and joint pain and more.
If you are looking for a natural healing therapy that has proven over centuries to be not only relaxing but offer tremendous benefits to your health, I suggest you try reflexology.
Wilson and Reynolds Reflexology
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