Monday, 28 January 2013

Reflexology can help Reduce Cellulite?

Many women I know have experienced problems due to a damaged or a sluggish lymphatic system.  A sluggish, damaged, compromised lymphatic system leads to excessive swelling, lymphedema, cellulite and cancer.  Physical, mental and emotional health all depends on the body’s ability to not only circulate blood, but also circulate lymphatic fluid.

Death, taxes and cellulite…the great equalisers. Cellulite does not discriminate, most women of all ages and sizes (yes, even skinny supermodels) have at least a few embarrassing orange-peel patches of skin.

Our blood is pumped by our heart to keep the circulating moving; however, the lymphatic fluid has no pump to circulate it. It is propelled by the contraction of our breathing and by the body movements, causing pressure against the arteries and muscles which help assist its flow.

The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is one of the body’s natural cleansing processes. It has a variety of jobs to do; it works to guard the body from various viruses or diseases. The lymph nodes or glands are filtering devices for removing dead cells and other foreign matter. They carry away the wastes, bacteria and viruses from the body’s connective tissue. It also flushes out toxins and excess water, which could otherwise cause congestion and edema.

A simplified explanation of how the lymphatic system normally functions.

What does the Lymphatic System do?

Ø The lymphatic system aids the immune system in removing and destroying waste, debris, dead blood cells, pathogens, toxins, and cancer cells.

Ø The lymphatic system absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and delivers these nutrients to the cells of the body where they are used by the cells.

Ø The lymphatic system also removes excess fluid, and waste products from the interstitial spaces between the cells.

There are no fast miracle cures to get rid of cellulite. The best way is nutrition, exercise and massage. A Reflexology treatment will flush out the toxins and help the body eliminate faster.

Facts about Cellulite:

Cellulite usually depends on both genetic and hormonal factors. It’s said to worsen with such things as altered blood circulation, incorrect eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and excessive alcohol, high heels and tight garments. 90% of women have been said to confront cellulite, which increases as women age and their skin thins. So we are pretty doomed unless extremely lucky!
Cellulite is not a medical term, but is the name given by the French. For those 10% of women that have never seen cellulite, it describes a skin condition with dimply, orange-peel look above the fat on hips, thighs and buttocks. It results from compressed and stagnant plasma and lymph accumulating in surface adipose (fatty) tissues. In other words,

How Can reflexology help?

With foot reflexology there are several areas and pressure points that correlate to the lymphatic system.  With emphasis on these area when working the foot, Reflexology can effectively support the lymphatic system in circulating lymph fluid; simultaneously giving a “boost” to the immune system.

Reflexology can assist in reducing cellulite by working on the lymphatic system and digestive system. The session will activate the blood and lymphatic flow hence flushing out accumulated toxins. In the same way, by stimulating the digestive system, it will help get rid of unwanted fats.

So, ladies considering having a series of reflexology treatments, adding exercises like yoga and zumba along with eating more fruits and veggies to your health regime and you will be looking good and feeling good!

Here is a great recipe for Lymphatic Boost Juice!!

If you have a juicer throw in a Grapefruit peeled, 2 Oranges peel, a Lemon peeled a chuck of Ginger and voila!!  Juice to Boost!!

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Happy New Year! Feet First!

Happy new year Everyone!
We hope everyone started their year feet first!!

Your feet should be a part of the "whole". By this I mean the "wholistic"( yes a play on words) approach to good health.  Eat right, exercise, keep a positive mental attitude and participate in alternative therapies, such as reflexology are all part of the "whole" health regime.

A brief refresher, Reflexology is described as an alternative healing therapy, based on the principles that every part, organ and gland are mapped out on the bottom of the feet.  By applying pressure, pressure suitable to the receiver, and stimulating the various areas and pressure points, energy pathways are opened plus crystals built up in nerve endings are released. With this relaxing and warming circulation, positive change occurs throughout the body.

Over the holidays I have indulged in reading various websites  about nutrition, detoxing, raw foods, juicing, supplements, various different therapies, exercise programs, and of course reflexology to increase my knowledge.  There is some much information out there it makes the head spin.

I am going to share a few I found :
10 Of The Most Unhealthy Ingredients Found In Food and Their Side Effects: 
We all know reading food labels is important, but there are some ingredients that might need that second look. It's most often these ingredients that burden our bodies with toxins and other harmful substances.

This website is a fountain of great information on a vast array of  health topics . This direct link will enable you to look up different health disorders and conditions. READ MORE

For anyone interest in obtaining a  free copy of our foot map download Go Here and scroll to the bottom of the page. This will make it easier for you to understand that certain  areas on the foot when worked with help with system disorders.  We highly recommend the the entire foot is worked with paying extra attention to the reflex area of concern to assist with the disorder. 

Eunice D. Ingham, a Physical Therapist, worked closely with Dr. Riley and was fascinated by the concept of Zone Therapy and started developing her foot reflex theory in the early 1930's. She had the opportunity to treat hundreds of patients where each reflex point of contact had been carefully and thoughtfully checked and rechecked until with all confidence she was able to determine that the reflexes on the feet were an exact mirror image of the organs of the body. Dr. Riley encouraged her to write her first book entitled "Stories The Feet Can Tell" where she documented her cases and carefully mapped out the reflexes on the feet as we know them today.  If you wish to ready more about the history of Reflexology click here.  From this book we learned much and we would like to share this with you.

"The disorders and their associative reflexes are listed only as a guide. In no way is this this list to be constructed as, nor used for, diagnostic purposes.  Reflexologists do not diagnose nor prescribe at any time in any manner."  D.C.B.

Disorder                                                                   Reflex

Bronchitis                                                              Chest/lungs, Ileocecal, Diaphragm, Adrenals

Colds                                                           Chest/Lung, Adrenals, Intestines,  Lymph system, All toes

Fatigue (general)                                                Adrenals, Diaphragm, All Glands, Whole Spine

Headaches (general)                                          Whole spine, Diaphragm, All glands, All toes

Kidney Stones                                                Ueter tubes, Kidneys, Bladder, Diaphragm, Parathyroid

These are just a few if you would like to know more email us!
Julie Wilson and Mark Reynolds, CR