Many women I know have experienced problems due to a damaged or a
sluggish lymphatic system. A sluggish,
damaged, compromised lymphatic system leads to excessive swelling, lymphedema,
cellulite and cancer. Physical, mental and emotional health all depends on the body’s ability
to not only circulate blood, but also circulate lymphatic fluid.
Death, taxes and cellulite…the great
equalisers. Cellulite does not discriminate, most women of all ages and sizes
(yes, even skinny supermodels) have at least a few embarrassing orange-peel
patches of skin.
Our blood is pumped by
our heart to keep the circulating moving; however, the lymphatic fluid
has no pump to circulate it. It is propelled by the contraction of our breathing
and by the body movements, causing pressure against the arteries and
muscles which help assist its flow.
The Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is one of the body’s natural cleansing
processes. It has a variety of jobs to do; it works to guard the body from
various viruses or diseases. The lymph nodes or glands are filtering
devices for removing dead cells and other foreign matter. They carry away the wastes, bacteria and viruses from the body’s connective
tissue. It also flushes out toxins and excess water, which could otherwise
cause congestion and edema.
A simplified explanation of how the
lymphatic system normally functions.
What does the
Lymphatic System do?
Ø The lymphatic system
aids the immune system in removing and destroying waste, debris, dead blood
cells, pathogens, toxins, and cancer cells.
Ø The lymphatic system
absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and delivers
these nutrients to the cells of the body where they are used by the cells.
Ø The lymphatic system
also removes excess fluid, and waste products from the interstitial spaces
between the cells.
There are no fast miracle cures to get rid of cellulite. The best way is nutrition, exercise and massage. A Reflexology treatment will flush out the toxins and help the body eliminate faster.
Facts about Cellulite:
Cellulite usually depends on both genetic and hormonal factors. It’s said to worsen with such things as altered blood circulation, incorrect eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and excessive alcohol, high heels and tight garments. 90% of women have been said to confront cellulite, which increases as women age and their skin thins. So we are pretty doomed unless extremely lucky!
Cellulite is not a medical term, but is the name given by the French. For those 10% of women that have never seen cellulite, it describes a skin condition with dimply, orange-peel look above the fat on hips, thighs and buttocks. It results from compressed and stagnant plasma and lymph accumulating in surface adipose (fatty) tissues. In other words,
How Can reflexology help?
With foot reflexology there are several areas and
pressure points that correlate to the lymphatic system. With emphasis on these area when working the
foot, Reflexology can effectively
support the lymphatic system in circulating lymph fluid; simultaneously
giving a “boost” to the immune system.
Reflexology can assist in reducing cellulite by
working on the lymphatic system and digestive system. The session will activate
the blood and lymphatic flow hence flushing out accumulated toxins. In the same
way, by stimulating the digestive system, it will help get rid of unwanted fats.
So, ladies considering having a series of
reflexology treatments, adding exercises like yoga and zumba along with eating
more fruits and veggies to your health regime and you will be looking good and
feeling good!
is a great recipe for Lymphatic Boost Juice!!
If you have a juicer throw in a Grapefruit peeled, 2
Oranges peel, a Lemon peeled a chuck of Ginger and voila!! Juice to Boost!!