Saturday, 8 June 2013

Reflexology and pH Balance


Reflexology and the pH Balance of the Body.  This is what has been known for centuries “life is all about balance.”

  By Julie Wilson, Certified Reflexologist, Wilson and Reynolds Reflexology

Are you wondering how Reflexology and our pH balance are connected, let me explain.  Please keep in mind this information is not based on research studies or any scientific proof and only the opinion of the writer.

Reflexology provides the body the opportunity to relax, reduce stress and tension, increase circulation, as well as to help the body heal itself.

Reflexology works all the systems of the body to keep energy flowing, breaking up any restrictions which in turn keeps the body balanced.  When we say balance, we are talking pH balance.  The heart pumps blood throughout the body, opening up blood vessels, veins and arteries.  Good blood circulation is crucial for the overall health of the body since blood is responsible for bringing oxygen and essential nutrients and to the entire body. That’s why the body cannot by any means function properly if the blood circulation is poor. This allows disease and illness to set in.

Working the entire foot with foot reflexology, roughly half an hour on each foot will significantly increase circulation as well as provide many other benefits. Working the foot and/ or hands aids in digestion; helping to move the excess acid, also referred to as toxic waste, out of the body.  The immune and autoimmune systems are also stimulated to fight against acid build up in joints and muscles.  Reflexology works the endocrine system.  Our glands all work together just like a well oiled machine.  Balance relates to the glandular functioning of your body, or homeostasis. Homeostasis is really just a biochemical balancing act played every day of our lives by our endocrine glands.  Homeostasis is the medical term used for the body's internal balancing act. It means that our unconscious body functions such as body temperature and glandular secretions are working for us to keep us alive and functioning.

This was just mentioning a few of the bodies systems and the effect of reflexology.  As I mentioned before, all the systems of the body are worked and each system has an important role in aiding our pH balance.

pH stands for power of hydrogen, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body. The total pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 considered to be neutral. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity.  Our ideal pH is slightly alkaline - 7.20. You can test your pH levels regularly by using a piece of litmus paper in your saliva or urine first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything.

Human body pH balance is key. Failure to maintain an alkaline pH in our tissues and cells will hurt our cellular health. Too much acidity (too little alkalinity) can cause weight gain. Cancer cells, disease-causing bacteria, fungus, viruses and parasites can thrive in acidic body tissue. A combination of a good alkaline diet, the water you drink, the air you breathe, the amount of sunlight you are exposed to, how well you sleep, the amount of stress in your life, and how often you get physical exercise, can have a profound effect on the pH level of your body. This will affect how healthy you are and how long you will live. Read more by Marcus Julian Felicetti on all the systems of the body and how they respond to acid and alkaline in the body.

Diet, eating the recommended ratios of acidic/alkaline foods daily (for examples see chart and food list below), Exercise (read more here ) will keep oxygen flowing and this is where Reflexology comes in!  Regular Reflexology treatments combined with diet and exercise is a part of the whole. Assisting in balance to feel your best and look your best!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Reflexology 101

Reflexology 101  

Complementary therapies can be used in addition to the treatments prescribed by a doctor. There are many different types of complementary therapies and it is important to choose one that fits your needs best. Some of the more common types are; therapeutic touch, reiki, aromatherapy, massage, visualization and mediation. There is another natural healing therapy that is regaining popularity, that has proven over centuries to be not only relaxing but offer tremendous benefits to your health, Reflexology.

Reflexology has been around for thousands of years. Its origin can be traced back to Ancient China.  Hieroglyphics were discovered in Egypt dating back to 2500 BC.  Through the centuries, reflexology has evolved, from what was first known as zone theory to what is now known as reflexology.  Reflexology is based on the principal that the body is mirrored on the bottom of the feet and on the hands.  By stimulating with light to firm pressure on those pressure points and reflexes, positive changes take place within the corresponding parts, organs and glands of the body.  

The feet and hands have 1000’s of nerve endings that act as sensory receptors which influence all the systems of the body. By stimulating nerves and specific reflex areas on the feet and/or hands, one can stimulate blood flow and eliminate toxin buildup in the corresponding organs.  Reflexology works to put the body in a state of well-being, beneficial to every system of the body.

Reflexology is suitable for all ages and has proven to bring relief from a wide range of chronic and acute conditions.  Foot reflexology treatments are very beneficial in reducing daily stress and tension.  Our society now has a better understanding between the correlation of stress and disease. We must now actively engage in activities and therapies to manage our stress.    

Hand reflexology is ideal to use in self treatment and at times when foot reflexology is not possible.  Working the hands is a wonderful form of contact and communicating with each other.  Although the hands are not as sensitive as the feet, it is still effective in bringing about relaxation throughout the whole body.

Reflexology has four main benefits: relaxation, increased circulation, reduction of stress and homeostasis (the ability of the body to heal itself).  These four main benefits can provide relief for such conditions as diabetes, inflammation, insomnia, digestive issues, constipation, muscle and joint pain and more. It helps reduce body tension and definitely brings a sense of relaxation.   The body also produces its own natural painkillers, known as endorphins, which are released during a reflexology treatment.
Reflexologists do not claim to extend the life of their clients, but assist in the quality of it.  Maybe that will mean a day free of pain for one person or a week of regular bowel movements, or a good night’s sleep for another. The body is not machine, but similar to machinery our bodies require a regular maintenance program. A Reflexology maintenance program might be planned weekly, bi-weekly, monthly depending on each individuals specific needs.

This article was provided by Wilson and Reynolds Reflexology and the Reflexology Training Academy of Canada.  1-866-491-5566

Monday, 11 February 2013

Reflexology Research Cancer Care

Reflexology Research

Industry leaders Kevin Kuntz and his wife Barbara, have researched, taught, practiced and documented reflexology for more than 30 years.

Unfortunately these studies did not take place in Canada but I beg to differ the outcomes would not be the same!

 Below are their findings on Reflexology and Cancer care.  Pleasing results!

Results from 24 studies conducted by nurses in ten countries are reported in Medical Applications of Reflexology: Findings in Research about Cancer Care (Kunz, Barbara and Kevin, RRP Press,2011).

The results show that reflexology helps cancer patients improve the physical and emotional symptoms of the cancer experience. From chemotherapy to symptom management and from postoperative care to palliative care, research demonstrates reflexology’s effectiveness at alleviating pain, relieving anxiety, easing nausea and more for cancer patients.

For the 28 million people fighting cancer worldwide and the 1.3 million diagnosed each year in the US alone, findings from the reflexology research offer potential, potential for improved quality of life and easing of their symptoms. Speaking to such potential are the results realized by the total of 1,173 cancer patients participating in the 24 studies:

• In eleven studies totalling 697 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, reflexology was found to be effective at in easing symptoms such as nausea vomiting, fatigue and anxiety.

• For those under cancer care with concerns about management of symptoms, six studies of reflexology which included a total of 255 patients demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing pain and anxiety
• Two studies of post operative cancer patients including a total of 89 cancer patients noted results of lessened pain and anxiety reported by patients to whom reflexology was applied as well as significantly less use of analgesics.
• Five studies of reflexology applied to a total of 69 cancer patients in palliative care found that reflexology helped with alleviation.

Mark initiated the Reflexology program in Hopespring's Cancer Centre in Waterloo, Ontario and after 2 years became the most sought after healing therapy to Cancer survivors!

If you would like to read about other Reflexology research projects and outcomes with Kunz and Kunz go to 

With seeing such a need for more research and with the positive results, more reflexologists are needed.  If you would like to become a certified Reflexologist the next course starts February 23rd, 2013.  Visit  for more details and registration.
For more information about us Wilson and Reynolds Reflexology go to

Monday, 28 January 2013

Reflexology can help Reduce Cellulite?

Many women I know have experienced problems due to a damaged or a sluggish lymphatic system.  A sluggish, damaged, compromised lymphatic system leads to excessive swelling, lymphedema, cellulite and cancer.  Physical, mental and emotional health all depends on the body’s ability to not only circulate blood, but also circulate lymphatic fluid.

Death, taxes and cellulite…the great equalisers. Cellulite does not discriminate, most women of all ages and sizes (yes, even skinny supermodels) have at least a few embarrassing orange-peel patches of skin.

Our blood is pumped by our heart to keep the circulating moving; however, the lymphatic fluid has no pump to circulate it. It is propelled by the contraction of our breathing and by the body movements, causing pressure against the arteries and muscles which help assist its flow.

The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is one of the body’s natural cleansing processes. It has a variety of jobs to do; it works to guard the body from various viruses or diseases. The lymph nodes or glands are filtering devices for removing dead cells and other foreign matter. They carry away the wastes, bacteria and viruses from the body’s connective tissue. It also flushes out toxins and excess water, which could otherwise cause congestion and edema.

A simplified explanation of how the lymphatic system normally functions.

What does the Lymphatic System do?

Ø The lymphatic system aids the immune system in removing and destroying waste, debris, dead blood cells, pathogens, toxins, and cancer cells.

Ø The lymphatic system absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and delivers these nutrients to the cells of the body where they are used by the cells.

Ø The lymphatic system also removes excess fluid, and waste products from the interstitial spaces between the cells.

There are no fast miracle cures to get rid of cellulite. The best way is nutrition, exercise and massage. A Reflexology treatment will flush out the toxins and help the body eliminate faster.

Facts about Cellulite:

Cellulite usually depends on both genetic and hormonal factors. It’s said to worsen with such things as altered blood circulation, incorrect eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and excessive alcohol, high heels and tight garments. 90% of women have been said to confront cellulite, which increases as women age and their skin thins. So we are pretty doomed unless extremely lucky!
Cellulite is not a medical term, but is the name given by the French. For those 10% of women that have never seen cellulite, it describes a skin condition with dimply, orange-peel look above the fat on hips, thighs and buttocks. It results from compressed and stagnant plasma and lymph accumulating in surface adipose (fatty) tissues. In other words,

How Can reflexology help?

With foot reflexology there are several areas and pressure points that correlate to the lymphatic system.  With emphasis on these area when working the foot, Reflexology can effectively support the lymphatic system in circulating lymph fluid; simultaneously giving a “boost” to the immune system.

Reflexology can assist in reducing cellulite by working on the lymphatic system and digestive system. The session will activate the blood and lymphatic flow hence flushing out accumulated toxins. In the same way, by stimulating the digestive system, it will help get rid of unwanted fats.

So, ladies considering having a series of reflexology treatments, adding exercises like yoga and zumba along with eating more fruits and veggies to your health regime and you will be looking good and feeling good!

Here is a great recipe for Lymphatic Boost Juice!!

If you have a juicer throw in a Grapefruit peeled, 2 Oranges peel, a Lemon peeled a chuck of Ginger and voila!!  Juice to Boost!!

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Happy New Year! Feet First!

Happy new year Everyone!
We hope everyone started their year feet first!!

Your feet should be a part of the "whole". By this I mean the "wholistic"( yes a play on words) approach to good health.  Eat right, exercise, keep a positive mental attitude and participate in alternative therapies, such as reflexology are all part of the "whole" health regime.

A brief refresher, Reflexology is described as an alternative healing therapy, based on the principles that every part, organ and gland are mapped out on the bottom of the feet.  By applying pressure, pressure suitable to the receiver, and stimulating the various areas and pressure points, energy pathways are opened plus crystals built up in nerve endings are released. With this relaxing and warming circulation, positive change occurs throughout the body.

Over the holidays I have indulged in reading various websites  about nutrition, detoxing, raw foods, juicing, supplements, various different therapies, exercise programs, and of course reflexology to increase my knowledge.  There is some much information out there it makes the head spin.

I am going to share a few I found :
10 Of The Most Unhealthy Ingredients Found In Food and Their Side Effects: 
We all know reading food labels is important, but there are some ingredients that might need that second look. It's most often these ingredients that burden our bodies with toxins and other harmful substances.

This website is a fountain of great information on a vast array of  health topics . This direct link will enable you to look up different health disorders and conditions. READ MORE

For anyone interest in obtaining a  free copy of our foot map download Go Here and scroll to the bottom of the page. This will make it easier for you to understand that certain  areas on the foot when worked with help with system disorders.  We highly recommend the the entire foot is worked with paying extra attention to the reflex area of concern to assist with the disorder. 

Eunice D. Ingham, a Physical Therapist, worked closely with Dr. Riley and was fascinated by the concept of Zone Therapy and started developing her foot reflex theory in the early 1930's. She had the opportunity to treat hundreds of patients where each reflex point of contact had been carefully and thoughtfully checked and rechecked until with all confidence she was able to determine that the reflexes on the feet were an exact mirror image of the organs of the body. Dr. Riley encouraged her to write her first book entitled "Stories The Feet Can Tell" where she documented her cases and carefully mapped out the reflexes on the feet as we know them today.  If you wish to ready more about the history of Reflexology click here.  From this book we learned much and we would like to share this with you.

"The disorders and their associative reflexes are listed only as a guide. In no way is this this list to be constructed as, nor used for, diagnostic purposes.  Reflexologists do not diagnose nor prescribe at any time in any manner."  D.C.B.

Disorder                                                                   Reflex

Bronchitis                                                              Chest/lungs, Ileocecal, Diaphragm, Adrenals

Colds                                                           Chest/Lung, Adrenals, Intestines,  Lymph system, All toes

Fatigue (general)                                                Adrenals, Diaphragm, All Glands, Whole Spine

Headaches (general)                                          Whole spine, Diaphragm, All glands, All toes

Kidney Stones                                                Ueter tubes, Kidneys, Bladder, Diaphragm, Parathyroid

These are just a few if you would like to know more email us!
Julie Wilson and Mark Reynolds, CR