Saturday, 30 June 2012

Ontario Healer uses Reflexology in 1900"s

Because Author Rex Ellingwood Beach got fallen arches on an Ontario golf course, some five million readers of the Hearst Press last week learned about a Miraculous Healer. A doctor friend took Author Beach to the village of Williamsburg, some 40 mi. from Ottawa, to see Dr. Mahlon William Locke. While getting his arches treated Author Beach was amazed to learn what thousands of persons from all parts of Canada and the U. S. knew about Dr. Locke; that he treats from 800 to 1,000 a day for rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, neuritis.

Dr. Mahlon Locke (1880-1942). physician and surgeon, was horn at Williamsburg, Ontario, and was educated at Queen's University, Kingston, receiving his M.D. in 1905. Alter studying in Scotland. he received the triple degree of Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. I-Ic returned to Canada to practise in Williamsburg.
His unorthodox treatment of arthritis and rheumatism gained him worldwide celebrity status. and people travelled from all parts of North America to see him, turning the small (own of Williamsburg into a thriving centre which attracted both the sick and the curious. At his peak. he saw up to 2,000 patients a day, receiving one dollar per visit. His unique "twist" received mixed reactions from others in the medical community, but Locke himself recognized that the healing process is psychological as well as physical.
Always interested in the corrective value of shoes, he designed wedges. and lent his name to several lines of footwear that lie believed would help those with physical problems.

Interesting Article found here: