Wednesday, 27 July 2011

reflexology and headaches

Treating a Headache

The area of the head is represented on the foot by the big toe; the other toes also represent the head and the sinuses and teeth as well. The crease between the base of the toes and the foot represents the neck, and the area of the foot immediately below the little toe represents the shoulder.

You can treat a headache yourself by finger or thumb walking over each of the toes and up the backs and down the fronts of the toes and thumb walking along the crease between the toes and the foot.

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Friday, 15 July 2011

Brighton Street Festival

July 16th all day event. Look for our booth. We wi;; be offering mini treatments 15 minutes for $10.00 with 20% going back to support the DBIA.
The Brighton Street Fest kicks off at 10 AM with the President of the DBIA, Helen Dyson and His Worship, Brighton Mayor, Mark Walas as guest commentators for the opening ceremony!
Evening entertainment with Bentwood Rocker! 7 pm
We hope we see you there