We all get older, and as we age our bodies don’t work as efficiently in many aspects of life. Reflexology can help combat the aging process and keep us feeling younger longer.
After age 30, the body’s metabolism and production of digestive enzymes slow down. The combination of these two things can lead to poor digestion and numerous digestive ailments. Foot reflexology improves the blood flow to the intestines stimulating better digestion. Patients suffering constipation problems who received foot reflexology showed a quicker bowel transit time. However, even those who weren’t suffering from constipation responded to the foot reflexology and saw more productive bowel movements.
Moreover, foot reflexology was found to be more effective than prescribed drugs when treating painful or imperfect digestion. Again it increases blood flow to the area, and this increased flow helps relieve stress. This reduction in stress allows for less wear and tear which ultimately leads to more healing.
In addition to digestive issues as we get older, there is a rapid increase of older individuals’ doing kidney dialysis to combat kidney failure. As it does for the intestines, foot reflexology increases blood flow to the kidneys. This stimulates the kidneys to work more effectively.
High blood pressure seems to be a staple of getting older. Reflexology helps the mechanism of the heart which regulates blood pressure. When reflexology was used, the heart was better able to maintain lower blood pressure.
Lastly, the aches, pains and stiffness that come with aging don’t have to be a part of everyday. When stimulating reflex points, the increased blood flow helps reduce the wear and tear, resulting in less stiffness and pain. Those suffering from arthritis who received reflexology found decreased pain and stiffness and were able to do things they hadn’t done in years.